Deep Tissue Massage Therapy: Shoulder Girdle – Therapeutic Massage Training | Professional Massage Class
This will quickly and easily teach you how to master this therapeutic deep massage technique. Deepen your knowledge and be an expert in the art of the deep tissue massage therapy on the shoulder girdle in this massage class.
A problem area for many people, knowing how to give proper focus to the shoulder girdle can increase your client base and keep them coming back. Through Meade Steadman’s expert instruction, this video will quickly and easily teach you how to master this therapeutic deep massage technique.
The shoulder girdle includes the:
- Musculo-skeletal area of the spine
- Ribs and sternum
- Clavicle
- Scapula
- Humerus
- Musculature (retractors, elevators and depressors)
- Surrounding nerves, arteries, tendons and ligaments
Giving expert attention to these areas can release adhesions, increase range of motion and reset muscle memory for which your clients will be incredibly thankful.
With detailed massage demonstrations on the anterior and posterior, Steadman walks you through routines for:
- Warming up
- Establishing client communication and trust
- Performing advanced massage and stretch techniques for specific areas and complaints
- Determining primary pain versus opposing distortion
- Balancing
- Flushing toxins
In only 1 hour and 32 minutes, you’ll learn everything you need to know about deep tissue massage on the shoulder girdle, from myofascial release to deep compression techniques.
An excellent massage therapy class if you are a mobile massage therapist and would be offering deep tissue mobile massage services.
After you complete this class, you will be proficient and skilled in deep tissue therapy with this professional massage training course.
Medical spas have benefited with higher client base and satisfaction with deep tissue medical massage treatment. So, learn this deep tissue techniques today.
If you want to learn quality massage deep tissue techniques that are unique and that will improve your services, then complete this class.
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