10 January 2011
Contact: Robert Andrus, 1-800-414-2434





Salt Lake City, UT — Alleviate the restrictions on the craniosacral flow that can cause illness, pain, and dysfunction with craniosacral therapy. Craniosacral therapy is a holistic, hands-on technique in which the practitioner creates very subtle movements, mostly along the bony structures of the cranium and at the sacrum, using concepts that date back thousands of years and buttressed by 20th century medical research.

The craniosacral system covers the area from the cranium to the sacrum, including the structures of the brain, the spinal column, the spinal cord, the network of nerves branching from the spinal cord, the connective tissue involved between the bones of the vertebral column and spinal cord, and, finally, the cerebrospinal fluid of the body. A set of rhythms -- the "breath of life" -- are central to the functioning of the craniosacral system, and they can be palpated.

In Aesthetic VideoSource's new Craniosacral Therapy Techniques instructional DVD, certified massage therapist, John Hoffmann, demonstrates the techniques used in a general craniosacral therapeutic session to assess and palpate the fluidity of the craniosacral system which affects the body's overall health. In addition to the demonstration, Hoffmann also discusses the benefits and contraindications, origins and theories underlying craniosacral therapy, the craniosacral system's anatomy and physiology and how the system affects the body's well being, the anatomy and physiology of fascia diaphragms, and how to integrate craniosacral therapy with other modalities.

"The craniosacral fluid is the source of healing and vitality," says Hoffmann. "In a state of deep relaxation and quiet, a practitioner can tap into the body's own innate abilities to heal itself."

"John Hoffmann is an incredibly detailed teacher who explains each step thoroughly so that you can easily grasp the concepts and incorporate them into your every day practice," says Shirley Erickson Gorospe, president of Aesthetic VideoSource.

John Hoffmann is a certified massage therapist, practicing in the Los Angeles area for over 15 years. He holds two Bachelors Degrees, as well as a certificate in Craniosacral Therapy from the Institute of Psycho-Structural Balancing in California.

Aesthetic VideoSource produces and distributes detailed, comprehensive health and spa instructional DVDs, so anyone can properly perform the procedures shown. Aesthetic VideoSource is the forerunner in educational media distribution, with award-winning DVDs and an always-expanding list of offerings to meet the spa and beauty industry's needs.

Contact Info — The Craniosacral Therapy Techniques DVD (2 Hrs. 27 Mins.) can be ordered for $49.95 plus shipping, by calling 1-800-414-2434 or visiting www.VideoShelf.com.


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