Deep Tissue Massage
0A deep tissue massage focuses on more of the deeper muscle layers, the connective tissue and the tendons, compared to a Swedish massage. A Swedish massage relieves tension and is very relaxing, but when a client is complaining of a troubling knot in his or her back, it may be a good idea to recommend a deep tissue massage to really diminish that knot.
A deep tissue massage is a lot more intense than a Swedish massage. A client may even be uncomfortable during some of the massage, because you will be pressing strongly on a tight muscle or knot. A client may even be sore the next day or two after the massage, but once that goes away they will feel relaxed and pain free. You should always discuss with the client how this massage works.
Many clients do not understand the extreme difference between the different massage. So it is a great idea to have a consult with them first just to ask what they want to achieve during their treatment. If they are just looking for relaxation and to relieve some stress, it may be best to stick with a Swedish massage. However, if they are complaining of having certain aches and pains due to stress, such as a knot in their back that won’t go away, they may want to try a deep tissue massage to get out their kinks.
If a client explains concerns about a deep tissue massage, explain to them that it will not hurt; it will just offer more pressure. When a massage therapist hits a certain knot or tender area, then it may be uncomfortable for the client but afterward will most likely feel a lot better than before she came in.
A therapist can use her fingertips, hands, knuckles, forearms and even elbows to achieve the right amount of pressure for the client. You may have a client who really likes the pressure and asks for more. You can always put more pressure on the client especially by using your arms and elbows, but it is best to always remind them that the harder you push, doesn’t necessarily mean the better they feel.