An In-Depth Look at BOTOX
0It’s no new kid on the block for dramatic skin renewal, and with the obsession today with appearing as youthful as possible, use of BOTOX for wrinkle and line removal has increased dramatically. Every case is different, so be se to be as detailed as possible when discussing this procedure with your clients.
We’ve all heard the stories. No matter what wrinkle creams they use, how much water they drink or how much sun block they apply each day, some clients simply have line and wrinkle conditions that they can’t correct. There are many factors that can attribute to facial wrinkles. Stress, dehydration and sun-exposure are just a few of the obvious answers. Like grey hair or varicose veins, some people are preconditioned to obtaining wrinkles and lines more easily than others.
Prominent facial lines can make even the most upbeat person appear stressed, tired or even angry all the time. Age, gravity and sun-exposure only exasperate the condition; so many clients feel they’re fighting a losing battle.
When talking to a client with facial wrinkles, find out from them what they’ve done so far to help eradicate the problem. Most likely they’ve tried several of the major wrinkle creams on the store shelf and have a regular cleansing, toning and hydrating routine most days and nights. They may feel frustrated that they have so little success after all the effort, but they don’t relish the idea of cosmetic surgery.
Now is the time to discuss BOTOX. Find out from your client what their expectations would be for a BOTOX procedure and be sure to explain to your client the process in depth. BOTOX is applied with injections directly into the facial musculature surrounding the lines. The procedure can be as short as 10 minutes long, with little or no down time for the client. The effects tend to be both dramatic and pleasing to most BOTOX recipients, which is why it is the number one non-surgical cosmetic procedure for both women and men.
Used to relieve or eradicate facial lines like crow’s feet, horizontal forehead lines and marionette smiles among other conditions, BOTOX can provide your clients the relief from the facial lines that are plaguing them. It’s important that you talk about preventative maintenance after the procedure, though. A proper cleansing, toning and hydrating routine along with regular facials can help elongate the life of BOTOX effects.
Be sure to give a detailed account of the BOTOX procedure to your client, as well as finding out their expectations. We hope you enjoyed learning about BOTOX. To learn more about Botox injections and Botox injection techniques, please visit Aesthetic VideoSource.